Parlamentari Usa contro la guerra

di Luisa Morgantini

Una buona notizia: 25 donne parlamentari Usa rifiutano di votare per la guerra di Bush, e insieme ad altre donne lanciano un appello contro la guerra.

Piccole fiammelle, teniamoci pronte perché se il governo italiano aderirà alla follia di Bush e manderà soldati e armi noi dovremo cercare di fermarli, usando i nostri corpi, e dovremmo farlo anche quando gli aerei Usa verranno a rifornirsi sul nostro territorio.

Tra le Donne In Nero, ci sono mamme di ragazzi o ragazze che sono nell'esercito italiano? Penso che non sarebbe male organizzare un gruppo di madri contro la guerra, la mamma fa sempre effetto e non ditemi che siccome siamo femministe non vogliamo essere considerate mamme, noi siamo tutto e non rinneghiamo nulla.
Allora organizziamo anche le mamme contro la guerra?

Luisa Morgantini


Soul sisters and gentlewomen:
Today 25 Congresswomen in the US House of Representatives walked out - and refused to participate in the vote to give Bush war powers --- they were led by Barbara Bell of California and they took up residence on the White House lawn.....
They say women can change the world. Here is a chance!
A nationwide effort to unite women against war has drafted a statement here and ask you, if you are so moved, to send it out to as many women and women's groups as you can for endorsement. If you are not part of a group/organization, you can also sign as an individual.

If you feel so
moved, please cut and paste this message into a new message, please sign below, giving your or your organization's name and location. Then forward on to as many people as you know. If you are the 50th, 100th, 150th, 200th, etc., person, please also e-mail a copy back to
This is our chance to stop this war. Women are a strong constituency in this country. We only have a few days. Please act immediately.

Women United Against War

As women embracing life and peace, we declare ourselves opposed to any military action against Iraq. As women, we have been the victims of many kinds of violence. We call on you, our Congress members, to oppose any military action.
We make this demand for ourselves, our children, our parents, our brothers, husbands, partners and friends. We make this demand because we understand that warfare creates endless cycles of violence, destruction and death, impoverishing us spiritually and economically.
We make this demand because warfare destroys family life, throwing whole communities into exile and turning children into orphans. We make this demand because we cannot build happy lives on a ground polluted by violence.
We believe this is a defining moment in the life of our country. We will either take our place in the family of nations as seekers of peace and justice or we will start down a terrible road to war, unleashing the fury of generations to come on our land. We call upon you to act with integrity, to
show courage and remember that you are guardians of the public trust and of the world we leave to our children.
We oppose this war. We oppose all elected officials who support this war.
There is no other issue greater than the cause of peace. No past stand or history can be called upon to overshadow the imperative to stand today for peace.

We, as women acting to shape public life, dedicate our energy, resources, and hopes to those who establish peace.

There will be no war in our names.

If you want our support and votes, stop this war!